Follow the Journey East II group as they travel through China.
Simply click on the dates below to read about the day’s adventures and see accompanying photos:
Go to the page . . .
China Map
Go to the photos . . .
And they’re off!
To the airport!
Up, up, and away!
Follow their flights!
They made it!
The Great Wall!
First contact!
magnificent photos
Leaving Beijing
Tiananmen Square
Confucius says
Temple, Forest, shop
Some free time
Happy Birthday Alex
Happy Birthday Rachel
Opening night
Happy Birthday Elayna
Meet the family
The show goes on
Thanks for your hospitality
Farewell to Qufu
On the road again
Happy Birthday Kestrel
Here or to go?
Sights for s’more eyes
Half full?
Half empty?
Going up?
Hot in Hohhot
Staying put for a while
Follow the yellow silk road
Time out
getting organized
on the road
Soon . . . real soon
We’re back!
mutton glutton
Three weeks ago
lights, camera, . . .
I’d like to teach
. . . the world to sing
a captive audience
acting up again
Pizza anyone?
and how about “desert?”
Time flies . . .
and so do the kids - again
The last dance
one more time!
My bags are packed
and I’m ready to go
coming home!
Home Sweet Home
The End