Welcome back!

These latest photos are from Ann and Tom. The first three were taken at Tiananmen Square. The building behind the group in the first picture is on one end of the square and the building in the next picture is directly opposite on the other end of the square. To get a really cool perspective of the Square, check out this interactive panoramic tour of the entire square (This will take a little time to load, but it really is worth the short wait). You can also read more about the square as well.

The group photo on the right was taken at the Temple of Heaven. Gosh, they look great, don’t they? And they all still have huge smiles on their faces!

They are now headed to Qufu, also know as the “city of “what”? If you’ve been doing your homework, you’ll know this. (Hint: go to Qufu). Okay, it’s time you get immersed in Chinese, to see what a typical Chinese web site looks like, read about Qufu here.

The group will fly first to Jinan and then a fun bus trip to Qufu, home of Confucius. Do you know how to pronounce Qufu? No, it’s not “koofoo.” And it’s not “kwoofoo.” It is, believe it or not, “choofoo.” I’m telling you, by the time these guy

Created at Leland & Gray High School in Townshend, Vermont, supported by the Asian Studies Outreach Program (ASOP) at the University of Vermont (UVM), and funded primarily through a grant from the Freeman Foundation, Journey East, as a whole, consists of the Asian Studies Academy and Sino-American Performing Arts Exchange at Leland and Gray Union High School; the integration of an Asian Studies curriculum throughout the Windham Central Supervisory Union, and the introduction of Chinese language programs into the district.

Dr. Juefei Wang, Director Asian Studies Outreach Program University of Vermont, was recently presented with the Goldman Sachs Award for Excellence in International education, given to the UVM, Asian Studies Outreach Program.

The Leland and Gray Journey East program extends its heartfelt thanks to Dr. Juefei Wang, without whose effort and support this program would not be possible!

s get back home, you’ll be an expert at all this stuff. Just pay attention and do as you’re told.

We often mention during this journey that the time difference is twelve hours. Right now it is actually thirteen hours ahead. But with daylight savings time coming up this Sunday (how’s that for a subtle reminder to turn your clocks ahead -- spring forward fall back -- this Sunday?), they actually will be twelve hours ahead.

Do you think the United States is the only country to utilize Daylight Savings Time? Well, do you? I thought so. Get the scoop on worldwide daylight savings time. For more about the time difference throughout the world, check out this nifty world clock.

Okay folks, that’s all we have for today. I know, it’s slow going right now. But the journey has just begun. Soon, the site will be flooded with pictures and articles from the kids.

Soon we’ll learn more about the fabulous show these kids will be performing for nearly 10,000 people while touring China and Inner Mongolia.

Later . . .




